Evolutionary Pressures Exerted on the Hammerhead Shark Cranium: The Advantages of Varying Cephalofoil Sizes Based on Habitat



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Keyhole Press


This paper addresses a new perspective on the discussion of the hammerhead shark cephalofoil. Past studies have been centered around identifying possible selective pressures that have brought on the development of this morphology and the evolutionary trade-off that hammerheads must negotiate because of its emergence. Rather than identifying all-encompassing environmental pressures that apply to all hammerhead species, recent research has prompted analysis of the varying environmental forces present in different habitats to explain the emergence and variability in the evolution of the hammerhead cephalofoil. This analysis of previously published studies concludes that pelagic (open ocean) species improve sensory capabilities at the expense of hydrodynamic efficiency through the possession of a large cephalofoil, and that coastal species have selected for improved hydrodynamics and maneuvering abilities at the expense of sensory acuity by reducing the size of the cephalofoil.


Recommended citation: Johnson, Sam. “Evolutionary Pressures Exerted on the Hammerhead Shark Cranium: The Advantages of Varying Cephalofoil Sizes Based on Habitat.” Royal Road, 2022. https://doi.org/10.48497/Q4SR-5638


Hammerhead shark, Cephalofoil, Evolution


Johnson, Sam. “Evolutionary Pressures Exerted on the Hammerhead Shark Cranium: The Advantages of Varying Cephalofoil Sizes Based on Habitat.” Royal Road, 2022. https://doi.org/10.48497/Q4SR-5638