Gregg PerkinsJarvis, Zoe2022-08-102022-08-102022-08 700 Capstone in Social and Emerging MediaThis capstone project created an interactive website for the University of Tampa Film, Animation, and New Media (FMX) department focusing on animation. The goal of the website was to attract recruits into the animation program by highlighting the types of animations and tools potential students will use. Visitors to the site can select from various pages which contain examples of animations as well descriptions and links to the software. The site was created through compiling animations generated in Autodesk Maya, Cinema 4D, Toonboom Harmony, and Adobe After Effects. The platform used to generate the site was Wix. The site features links to the software utilized as well as links to the FMX department, social media platforms that represent the University of Tampa, and an interactive blog space to communicate with Alumni of the program. This website provides a clear and easily navigated to depiction of FMX program and allows for interaction with relevant material and personnel as well as YouTube. UT Recruit Me can be located at: websiteRecruiting toolSocial mediaUT Recuit Me!Thesis