Mobley, Matthew2018-02-132018-02-132018-01-04 Donne, Jesus, and You is the interwoven poetic memoir of a man lost in modernity, awash in his own desires and masculinity, in search of a bygone past which no longer exists—if it ever did. Using John Donne’s Holy Sonnets as the basis for an intertextual conceit, the work juxtaposes the classic with the modern and attempts to reason with both personal desire and a masculinity seemingly incongruent with modern society. The poems present braided concepts of time, love, anxiety, conflict, and the line between real and imagined memories. Often cynical, John Donne, Jesus, and You argues with the past, with god, and with the imagination, revealing the development of someone at once vulnerable and strong, confused yet confident, rational yet completely absurd.en-USPoetryDonne, John, 1572-1631Holy SonnetsMasculinityModernityJohn Donne, Jesus, and YouThesis