Hagan, Raylea2019-04-042019-04-042019Hagan, Raylea. “Blind to the Impacts of Colorism within the Cosmetic Industry.” Royal Road, 2019. https://doi.org/10.48497/T26Z-MQ30.http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11868/681Recommended Citation: Hagan, Raylea. “Blind to the Impacts of Colorism within the Cosmetic Industry.” Royal Road, 2019. https://doi.org/10.48497/T26Z-MQ30.An unavoidable truth of colorism is often ignored because of the way society has pushed it aside. Through an analysis of historical, economic, and social data and research, this piece is written as a way to shed a bright light on the dark shadow of colorism that is cast over the beauty community. This essay argues that colorism remains prevalent in the cosmetic industry as something that has become normalized regardless of the economic and social detriment its occurrence has on society. The normalization and persisting ignorance of colorism in society is a representation of the historical legacy surrounding racial prejudices American society has yet to relinquish. This essay traces the selling of whiteness as a commodity back to the early years of the makeup industry in America to demonstrate that people of color have long been an afterthought in ad campaigns, diversification of products, and in society as whole. Ironically, diversity increases the economic potential of companies in the cosmetic industry, and, more importantly, inclusion boosts a person’s sense of confidence and helps instill a feeling of equality within the consumer market and society, which is why it is so important that the cosmetic industry diversifies.en-USColorismDrug & cosmetic industryCosmeticsDiversityBlind to the Impacts of Colorism within the Cosmetic IndustryArticlehttps://doi.org/10.48497/t26z-mq30