Baricheva, Ekaterina D.2022-11-022022-11-022022Baricheva, Ekaterina D. "Police Corruption and the Targeting of Central Asian Immigrants in Russia." Royal Road, 2022. citation: Baricheva, Ekaterina D. "Police Corruption and the Targeting of Central Asian Immigrants in Russia." Royal Road, 2022. research examines the correlation between police corruption and the targeting of Central Asian immigrants in contemporary Russian world. The lack of ethical protocols in the police department, followed by normalization of bribery allows for severe targeting of ethnic minorities that continuously migrate to big Russian cities from countries such as Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan. Diving into historical background, this piece explores the roots of predatory policing, government corruption and long-standing xenophobia. Specifically, it shines light on how the lack of independence between the state and the police force, combined with the lack of transparency of government’ actions, and promotion of ethno-centric patriotism, results in Central Asian immigrants serving as scapegoats for societal problems in modern Russia.en-USCentral Asian immigrantsPolice mistreatmentTargetingXenophobiaEthno-centricityDiscriminationCorruptionBriberyPolice Corruption and the Targeting of Central Asian Immigrants in RussiaArticle