Sara B. FestiniMryczko, DanusiaBrown, Tina2023-01-132023-01-132022-12Mryczko, Danusia, and Tina Brown. "Busyness and Cognition in Undergraduate Students: End-of-Semester versus Beginning-of-Semester Cognitive Performance." Acta Spartae, 2022. citation: Mryczko, Danusia, and Tina Brown. "Busyness and Cognition in Undergraduate Students: End-of-Semester versus Beginning-of-Semester Cognitive Performance." Acta Spartae, 2022. frequently report feeling more stress at the end-of-the-semester versus the beginning-of-the-semester (Kofman et al., 2006). Whether this results in worse cognition has not been thoroughly investigated. The current study measured three types of cognition, including long-term memory, working memory, and executive functioning. We assessed whether undergraduates’ stress and busyness levels and cognitive performance was different between the end of the Fall 2020 and beginning of the Spring 2021 semester. Contrary to the hypotheses, no significant point-in-semester differences were found in undergraduates’ busyness or stress levels at the beginning versus end of the semester. Mixed results were observed for cognitive performance, such that no significant differences were found for picture recall, word recall, picture recognition or letter number sequencing. Performance on the verbal fluency category task and the backward digit span task were found to approach significance, with marginally better performance at the end of the semester. Finally, word recognition was significantly better at the end of the semester, whereas verbal fluency, given a letter cue, was significantly worse at the end of the semester. Therefore, given the lack of observed busyness and stress differences, it is unlikely that busyness and stress are driving differences in students’ cognition. Future research is needed to determine if the observed cognitive differences are reliable and to assess additional mechanisms.en-USCognitionCollege studentsUndergraduate studentsStressPerformanceBusyness and Cognition in Undergraduate Students: End-of-Semester versus Beginning-of-Semester Cognitive PerformanceArticle