Trentinella, Dr. RosemarieNovakovic, Daniella2021-04-292021-04-292021Novakovic, Daniella. “Applying a Marxist Perspective to Giotto.” Q: Journal of Undergraduate Research & Inquiry, 2021. citation: Novakovic, Daniella. “Applying a Marxist Perspective to Giotto.” Q: Journal of Undergraduate Research & Inquiry, 2021. following research exploration investigates the relationship between Giotto’s work in the heart of the Arena Chapel and the individual who commissioned it, Enrico Scrovegni. Accused of being a usurer, Scrovegni commissioned the Arena Chapel in the hopes of gaining clemency for his dubiously acquired wealth, as usury had been a sin commensurate with the betrayal of Christ in medieval Europe. This is emphasized in the depiction of Scrovegni in Last Judgment, where Scrovegni emblematically presents a miniature of the Chapel to the Virgin Mary, who is regarded as the intercessor of forgiveness through her son Jesus Christ in Catholic Mariology. By using his wealth to influence the intent of Giotto’s artwork – not only to inspire respect amongst his peers, but for the purpose of salvation through the Virgin Mother – Scrovegni has licensed art historians to study his involvement in the Arena Chapel through the retroactive lens of Marxism, a concept chiefly concerned with monetary and social principles. This essay was written in Dr. Rosemarie Trentinella’s ART 225 class.enGiottoMarxismArena ChapelEnrico ScrovegniLast JudgementApplying a Marxist Perspective to GiottoArticle