Pantano, Robert2017-10-312017-10-312017Pantano, Robert. “Disillusioning the Youth: How Standardized Testing Reduces Learning Opportunity.” Royal Road, 2017. Citation: Pantano, Robert. “Disillusioning the Youth: How Standardized Testing Reduces Learning Opportunity.” Royal Road, 2017. us all there is a compulsion to learn and placate the deeply inquisitive conscious facet of the human mind. Starting as a child, it seems as though we cannot refrain from asking something about everything and igniting the flame of perpetual inquest. Arguably, it is formal education’s role and responsibility to aid in the fostering and fulfillment of this inquisitive nature. Modern American education is comprised of individuals of immensely diverse backgrounds, skillsets, intellectual capacities, and social positions. It is, therefore, essential that the educational infrastructure reflects and supports such diversity. In its current form, education does not attend fully to the spirit of inquiry, creativity, and diversity that children and society so need and deserve.en-USStandardized testingUnited StatesNo Child Left Behind ActEducation reformDisillusioning the Youth: How Standardized Testing Reduces Learning OpportunityArticle