Juliet Davis, MAT, MFAMedina, Rosa2021-08-192021-08-192021-08http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11868/2102This digital marketing proposal for The Crisis Center of Tampa Bay targets college students 18-24 at risk of suicide, with the goal of increasing awareness and interaction with the Center. A secondary audience of all at-risk people 18-34 and a tertiary audience of friends and loved ones of those at-risk people are included in the plan. Past research findings suggest college students are at substantially high suicide risk; that high levels of depression and anxiety can negatively impact campus morale; and that at-risk subjects and their friends and families lack awareness about suicide prevention resources and needs (David, 2019). However, research on specific messaging to increase awareness is lacking. This new research included the following methodologies: 1) primary quantitative research surveying students’ awareness about services for students contemplating suicide; 2) interviews conducted by The Crisis Center of Tampa Bay (with the subjects’ permission to publish); 3) an autoethnographic account of coming to the center in crisis and subsequently working at the center. Secondary quantitative research is also cited throughout. Examples of creative content and messaging are recommended based on the following findings: 70% of subjects surveyed were not aware of The Crisis Center of Tampa Bay suicide prevention resources. Three of the five subjects interviewed indicated that The Crisis Center of Tampa Bay helped them find solutions to their needs and a plan to move forward. Two of the five subjects interviewed had trouble with the messaging of counselors who used cliches such as “It will be okay” or “You are not alone,” which is the Center’s current slogan. Subjects seemed to value the language of “getting help” for problems. All five interview subjects were social media users. Secondary research indicates social media can be an effective medium for intervention and that family and loved ones need information about how to identify at-risk loved ones and how to intervene in positive ways (Lewis et al, 2012). Based on the above research, digital media recommendations for The Crisis Center of Tampa Bay include new branding and messaging, partnerships with colleges and universities, and more engaging content for social media and website, including video, testimonials, blogs, and ads. Further study of messaging about suicide resources is recommended.en-USCampaignProposalSuicideDigital Media Campaign Proposal for The Crisis Center of Tampa BayThesis