Kippola, Gordon2017-07-122017-07-122016-06-16 I Fall Off Love is a collection of poetry that examines our fluid uncertainties of personal identity, memory and relationships, through stories a speaker might tell a friend at a quiet bar (or an equally inebriated stranger, which can be safer). No matter our differences, we all feel core desires to be known, to be understood. Our stories are the more accurate fictions we hunger to tell; even when we don’t, especially when we can’t. Sometimes beautiful, sometimes profane, the manuscript weaves a kaleidoscope of poetic expression: from traditional received forms—to innovative, page-exploring free verse—to poems that flirt with madness. Angry, sad, whimsical, wise, and well-supplied with life’s comedy: When I Fall Off Love blends a reflective, middle-aged perspective with the wry certainty that there’s no fool like an old fool.en-USPoetryIdentityHuman relationshipsWhen I Fall Off LoveThesis