1964: No. 1

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Poetry Review was published from 1964-1971.

It was succeeded by UT Reviewpublished 1972-1982, Abatispublished 1983-1986 and Tampa Reviewpublished 1988-present:

IMMANENTISM: The exterior makes the interior. The interior makes the exterior. The object makes the subject. The subject makes the object. Ultimately, a fusion--no exterior, no object, no subject, no otherness, no self--only a state of being beyond the conscious and the unconscious, the superconscious. From the superconsciousness emerges the mystic words. The mystic words are the immanentist poem.

ISSN: 0554-4009

More issues of Poetry Review and editor Duane Locke's manuscripts are in the Special Collections at University of Florida. Learn more about the collection by looking at the finding aid .


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    UT Poetry Review (1964) No. 1
    (University of Tampa, 1964) Eigner, Larry; Katz, Menke; Congdon, Kirby; Malanga, Gerald; Halpern, Max; Owen, Guy; Wade, David; Broderick, John; Jaworski, Richard; Hedley, Leslie Woolf; Schoeberlein, Marion; Thompson, Francis J.; Locke, Duane; Newton, R. Morris; Cuddihy, W.T.; Dunn, Jeffrey; Johnson, Sara, Secretarial Assistance
    Our first. As can be seen our format is mimeo, but we feel this inadequacy in presentation is overcompensated by the quality of our poets. Until the generosity of patrons provided the University of Tampa, the sponsoring organization of this magazine, with funds for the improvement of our format, we will continue with mimeo. All patrons please makes checks payable to the University of Tampa, but specifically "for the improvement of The Poetry Review." Mail checks to Duane Locke, Poetry Review, University of Tampa, Tampa, Florida 33606. We thank you now, and we will thank you again.
© Duane Locke